Friday, September 18, 2015

Plagiarism, Copyright, and Fair Use

The Do's and Don'ts of the Web
By: Asia and Samantha

Plagiarism is when you steal someone else's words or ideas and trying to claim them as your own. It's a form of cheating and its not tolerated.

If it can't be proven, the person can be sued for fraud or copyright.

A writer that looks up information for ideas and copies the same words from someone else's work/website or idea.

Fair Use
Fair use is a policy that limits the reproduction of copyrighted material for certain purposes without obtaining permission and without paying a fee.

The law says that you can only use information from a source if it is for educational purposes only and there is still a limit on what and how much you can use. When you use them for educational purposes you don't have to ask for permission. You just have to make sure you give them credit.

If you want to use a picture from a website for a class assignment, according to fair use you can use up to one picture per web page without permission from the copyright holder. So if I were given the assignment to do a report on NASA, I would be able to use the picture below without the permission of NASA.


The legal right to be the only one to reproduce, publish, and sell a book, music, audio, etc. for a certain period of time.

The Law states that once you make or produce something it is technically yours. Copyright laws prevent the unauthorized copying of someone else's work. When you need to prove it you need to make it officially official by going to a copyright service. Such as

Lets say you wrote a book, when you finish the book you would be the copyright holder. You can do whatever you want with this book. If someone, a couple months later, took your story but changed the words around. You'd need to have proof that the book is yours and then the person who stole your book can be sued. 

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